Starting Strength is a novice resistance training program developed by Mark Rippetoe. Starting Strength is also the name of a book by Mark Rippetoe that details the training program. Starting Strength is designed to introduce people to resistance training and the major compound lifts.
Starting Strength revolves around learning a few compound lifts: squat, bench press, deadlift, overhead press, and power clean. The Starting Strength program consists of 3 phases.
Starting Strength is sometimes abbreviated as "SS" on lifting forums.
The Starting Strength book is titled "Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition (Current Revision, Paperback)."
The Starting Strength brand and website is owned by The Aasgaard Company which was founded in 2005.
More information
- Starting Strength program overview on startingstrength.com
- /r/StartingStrength - Starting Strength subreddit
- Official Starting Strength forum