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Theraputics are medications/treatments designed to combat an infection. This is in contrast to vaccines, which prevent a disease from occuring. As vaccines may not be widely available for some time, theraputics for COVID-19 could play an important role in the epidemic. This page details potential COVID-19 theraputics. Substances listed here are not necessarily effective. Potential medications are detailed because they are on trial for use in COVID-19 or have been described as a potential treatment in an academic paper. Anti-virals
Host response / anti-inflammatory
See also | This page details potential COVID-19 theraputics. Substances listed here are not necessarily effective. Potential medications are detailed because they are on trial for use in COVID-19 or have been described as a potential treatment in an academic paper. Theraputic is another word for a treatment. Theraputics are drugs that can be given to someone once (or shortly before) they have been infected by SARS-CoV-2. Vaccines, in contrast, are given before an infection happens and protect against the development of disease. Anti-virals
Host response / anti-inflammatory
See also |
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