Frontier to Mountains and Secrets

Valosia is a province of the Echelian Clans State. It's also Glax's homeland.

Valosia is located in the northeastern portion of the Echelian territory and borders the Thepomesus channel by the southwest, the Adriasian Imperial District by the east, and the Hermos Mountains in the north. Erimos is distant only by a few kilometers through the mountains in the west.

The inhabitants of the province are considered 'different' from the average Echelian due to the influence of the Pharysian culture and their relative isolation from their own clan.

Valosia suffers from dire weather and poor lands for agriculture. Their main products are timber, special woods, resins, cattle. The province is considered poor and wild. It's a land of hunters, guides for the Hermos Pass, and depends mostly on the forest and the mountains. They often trade with the Pharysians and ignore their own clan.

The most important city is Crona, by the Karinion Lake. The most important river is Tyridau, ending in the most inland part of the Thepomesus Channel.

Adrastos, Glax's father, is the current mayor of Crona.