Arms Control Wonk is a blog and podcast about arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation. The blog covers arms related topics in an incredible level of detail, with posts about things like the the intricacies of the Tomahawk missile guidance system, investigations of failed missile tests in India or how geography affects nuclear deterrence.
Arms Control Wonk was started in 2004 by Jeffrey Lewis, an expert on nuclear nonproliferation. Arms Control Wonk was the first blog focused entirely on arms control and nonproliferation topics. When asked about why he started the blog, Lewis responded:
"In Washington, we have these really great conversations at the bar after work. And I thought it was very interesting that when I looked at the writing that appeared about nuclear weapons and arms control, it's pretty dry. It didn't really match the humorous and enjoyable conversations that you might have at a bar. I felt like it'd be a great thing to have a place to talk about these issues in the way that people really talked about them rather than the way that they're often presented."
The Arms Control Wonk podcast is hosted by Jeffrey Lewis and Aaron Stein.
The Arms Control Wonk blog's authors (by article count) are:
- Dr. Jeffrey Lewis
- Michael Krepon
- Paul Kerr
- Joshua Pollack
- Dr. Geoff Forden
- Jane Vaynman
- Mark Hibbs
- and many more (see complete list)
- www.armscontrolwonk.com - the Arms Control Wonk blog & podcast.
- Dr. Jeffrey Lewis ("ArmsControlWonk") on Twitter.
- Arms Control Wonk podcast info.